Monday, September 16, 2013

Post 9/16/13

The year is 1675 and King Philip's War was ongoing.  The church in the US had warned the Indians that if they were walking about in the streets that they could be subject to muggings, beatings or even death.  SO, the "white Christians" told the "red Christians" to wear "a mark to distinguish them from the enemy, lest some of them, while out on business, might be taken for enemies, and be molested"

We saw another great example of this occurring when Hitler decided to "mark" the Jews with their yellow star of David and could not be out in public without this mark present.

I am reminded of another foretold instance where this scene will be enforced....

Progress of the human mind.....

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Post 9/14/13

Tereus was a hero of Megara, on the isthmus of Corinth, until Sophocles exported him to Thrace to become a barbarian king who raped his wife's sister, cut our her tongue and ate his own son....this all in a play...but, the human mind acts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Post 9/4/13

Since the first Kurgans were excavated nearly two hundred years ago, it has been known that Herodotus was roughly right in his account of Scythian royal burial customs, with their human sacrifices and their concentric rings of slaughtered horses